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Multi-Track Diplomacy Approach to Conflict Management

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Multi-Track Diplomacy Approach to Conflict

Multi-track diplomacy approach is a circular flow of conflict
management. Diamond and McDonald (1996:4) see multi-track
diplomacy as an approach of that encompasses nine different tracks of
conceptual and practical frameworks for ensuring peace building. Multitrack
diplomacy emphasises that the different participants and
stakeholders’ efforts are required in the peace building process. It
encompass different attributes or features like strength, weakness,
opportunity and threats (SOWT). Diamond and McDonald (1996:4-5)
briefly discussed the nine different tracks of multi-track diplomacy as:
Government: This is the track-one of the multi-track diplomacy. It is a
process where responsible government in a society may get involved in
peace making and pace building, and even invest more on the
establishment of state institutions or agencies that could help in
managing conflict. It serves as a protective body organ to the interests of
all the people. The government can also sponsor a conflict management
workshop in order to promote the needed sustainable peace, and directly
or indirectly get involved in negotiation, conciliation and mediation
processes. International organisations are part of the governmental
institutions that usually help in ensuring and supporting peace building,
as part of global efforts to reduce socio-cultural, economical and
political tension around the world. The support encompasses the
provision for peace building workshops, and community development
programmes that ensure sustainable peace.

Strength: The government is always exercising legitimate or an
authoritative power, and enjoying enough resources, jurisdiction,
sovereignty, monopoly of coercion and compelling of obedience.
Weakness: Enjoying abuse of power, lack of transparency, lack of
political will at times, insecurity, instability, unaccountability,
bureaucratic delays.
Opportunity: It is strong, dynamic, ably represented, enjoying a
conducive environment, policies and financial buoyancy.
Threats: Preponderant use of coercion.
Non-Governmental Organisations: These are private establishments
within the civil society that could provide an alternative support system
for any society, in which the state political institutions are unable to
provide for sufficiently, in terms of quality and quantity that relate with
the realm of conflict management through the activities of its
Multi-Track Diplomacy Approach to Conflict Management Multi-Track Diplomacy Approach to Conflict Management Reviewed by hitsloaded on December 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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